I'm still amazed when some guys say they can't cook. Some of you out there can take an engine apart and put it back together in no time but for some reason when it comes to cooking you're are all thumbs. After all most of the world's greatest chefs are men-- which I find somewhat ironic since it's moms who do most of the cooking anyway. And when some of you guys do try, the kitchen usually ends up in a mess and even though black is a very alluring color, it typically doesn't go well with your food.
So fellas, here's five cooking tips to help make your pot roast turn out as nice as your customized rims.
1. Buy some Cookware. Sorry guys, one frying pan is not going to cut it. To prepare a decent meal you're going to need a cookware set. Try starting off with a simple 10 piece set. In the set you'll get some sauce pans, sautee pans and a stockpot. With your new cookware you'll be able to prepare complicated as well as simple meals.
2. Read the Directions. I had a good friend, who said he never read cooking directions, that was surprised when the rice he was pereparing came out so well after he decided to follow the directions listed on the bag. That being said, if you're cooking rice, pasta or any item that comes with instructions on how to prepare it, why not try following it. Hard as it may be to fathom, the instructions are there for a reason. And the same things goes for recipes. If your dish doesn't come out the way you want it, 9 times out of 10 it's because you didn't follow the recipe. Once you've become accustomed to cooking, then you can let your creative juices start flowing a little more. Until then, please follow the recipe.
3. Food from Boxes and Cans. Preparing a meal from a box or can is convenient, but don't let that be your only option. There's tons of simple recipes out there that any novice can prepare and have it come out tasting like it was prepared by a seasoned pro. Take cheesecake for instance. At first I thought you had to be a experienced cook to prepare them. But once I got my hands on a recipe and gave it a shot, that's all it took. So think of a dish you really like, find the recipe and give it a go. It's probably a lot easier to make than you think.
4. Season your Food. If you follow your recipes, this should already be taken care of. However, I added this part to let you know that there's more to spices than just salt and pepper. Spices such as bay leaves add aroma and zest to soups and meats. They can turn bland chicken breast into a flavorful experience. Therefore, I strongly suggest that you go your local supermarket and check out the wide variety of spices that are available. Most have listed the foods that they can be used in, so just read the label and liven up that meal.
5. Buy some nice Dinnerware. I know. This really isn't a cooking tip, but it needs to be said. What can I say? Paper plates are not dinnerware at least not for a nice meal. After going to all that effort of preparing a nice meal, you don't want to serve it on just anything. You can find some nice dinnerware at most outlets or superstores. At a minimum, all you need are about 4 plates and forks, spoons and knives to go with them. And if you want to be really impressive, buy matching soup bowls, salad plates and coffee and saucer sets. Trust me on this one. Your significant other will really think you know what you're doing.
So there it is guys. 5 easy to do tips to bring out that culinary genius that you've hiding from yourself and others. Carry these out and you'll be sure to go from a neophyte to all-pro in no time.